To convey the types of characters we wanted to create in our film opening, we used Pinterest to create boards showing the characters that would be expected to appear in our film. We drew inspiration for the "Big Boss" character from the notorious mafia leader Al Capone. For costume research, we looked at the uniform for police officers during the 1920s. We then searched for male secretary, however, this proved to be a difficult task due to the female stereotype for a secretary. There were multiple examples of a detective around the style (Film Noir) we were aiming for.

As well as conveying our characters, we used Pinterest to assemble as a board showing the types of issues that would be represented in our film. In our film, we wanted to tackle the issues of crime, drugs, corruption and social imbalance.  

To gain a stronger understanding of characters from Film Noir, I looked at the Film Noir book written by Andrew Spicer. The book outlines the conventions and character design that can be found in Film Noir. We looked to this book when creating the character of Detective Swanson. The book gives examples of Bogarts acting skills when playing such a character in Film Noir. An extract from Film Noir - Page 94- Andrew Spicer:

Link to Book

After reading this, we set about implementing these characteristics in the character of Swanson. As well as this, on filming locations, we spoke with the actor of Swanson, Nathan, telling him how we wanted him to portray the character. Stiff faced, wary and tight-lipped. Though this was not an issue for Nathan as we found the character was a natural fit. 

1 comment:

  1. Sophisticated Video analysis & 2 Pinterest boards. Impressive grasp of how film language makes meanings and how genre conventions function (film openings, crime, film noir). Clear link between research and outcome. Confident use of terminology. Charlie speaks first.
